How is a drug born?

From the discovery of the Molecule to placement on the market, it’s a long journey which goes through four different stages, the first and most fascinating is the research. Let’s see how a drug borns.
The goal of pharmacological research is to find molecules able to cure illnesses and improve the people quality of life. In the research process is essential to first identify the pharmacological target. Once it has been identified, the molecule screening phase begins.
Once the molecules have been chosen, the testing starts. This is the Preclinical Trial, the part of the process in which the researchers test the body’s reaction to the compound and any possible side effects. This stage can last from 3 to 6 years.
Then it’s the turn of the Clinical Trial, when the drug becomes experimental and the clinical experimentation on humans begins through three different phases.
The first experimental studies are carried out on about a hundred healthy volunteers with the objective to establish the safety and the tolerability of the drug, as well as the dose that guarantees its effect without toxicity and side effects.
Then the studies are performed on patients with the illness the potential drug is intended for.
Finally, the number of patients involved in the clinical trial increases, with the aims of discovering any unexpected side effects and to evaluate effectiveness compared to similar drugs already available on the market.
The last stage is the authorisation of the patent and placement on the market. Getting to this point has taken 10-15 years of studies.