Headway, a new roadmap in Brain Health - Focus Mental Health and Epilepsy

In the light of what has been done so far and considering the evolution of the socio-economic and environmental context, Angelini Pharma in partnership with The European House Ambrosetti starts a European dissemination roadmap of Headway’s key takeway.
Headway, A New Roadmap in Brain Health - Focus Mental Health and Epilepsy will be held on Friday, April 28th, from 11.00 – 13.00 (CEST), at the Spanish Parliament in Madrid. The event will be an opportunity to present the results of the Headway initiative and discuss priorities in the field of Brain Health for Spain through key policy makers and experts.
The event will be organized in three sessions: a first part dedicated to mental health with Celso Arango, Director, Instituto de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Narcís Cardoner, Director, Servicio de Psiquiatría Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Barcelona, Maria Tajes, Head of the Mental Health Service, SERGAS, Ana Cabrera Cifuentes, Director, Asociación Española de Apoyo en Psicosis (AMAFE); a session on epilepsy with Mar Carreño, Director Epilepsy Unit Hospital Clínic and President SEEP; Vicente Enrique Villanueva Haba, Director of the Epilepsy Unit, Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia; Elvira Vacas Montero, President Spanish Federation of Epilepsy (FEDE); and, finally, a concluding session on priorities for action in the field of Brain Health in Spain and Europe with Carmen Navarro, congresswoman of the Congress of Deputies; Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Member of the European Parliament.
Brain Health in Spain at a glance
In Spain, according to the latest data, over 1 in 5 people is living with a mental disorder – with depression, autism, anxiety and ADHD among the most widespread. The burden is even more alarming when considering that around 8.7% of total DALYs in Spain are attributable to mental and behavioural disorders, and the standardized death rate of mental and behavioural disorders has now reached 45.8 deaths per 100.000 population.
Among neurological disorders, Epilepsy is the 4th most common in Spain affecting about 400,000 people, whereas ~5-10% of the population will experience a seizure in their lifetime, and up to 20% of these will have recurrent seizures. The incidence of the disease is often underestimated given the complexity of symptom manifestation and underlying causes.
Launched in 2018 in collaboration with the Think Tank The European House-Ambrosetti, Headway is an initiative on Brain Health (incl. Mental Health and Epilepsy), with the aim of creating a multidisciplinary platform for strategic reflection, analysis, dialogue and comparison between various European experiences in the management of individuals with mental and neurological disorders. Click here and discover more about the initiative.