A perspective on a more inclusive future

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  • Published: 16 Jun 2022

Sustainability has become one of the most relevant concepts as it is also intertwined with health. The pandemic unequivocally showed us that there is in fact a correlation between environment and our wellbeing. The work of the European Union over the last years has been tremendous, as it defined a common framework to combine both environmental and social concerns.

It is now our call to stick to it and our ambition as Angelini Pharma is for us to be a virtuous example of sustainable company, in line with what our Group – Angelini Industries - is committing to.

Hence, this afternoon our CEO Pierluigi Antonelli will join EU Social Taxonomy: Looking to an equal and inclusive future from different perspectives, a round table promoted by GammaFoundation under the leadership of Prof. Andrea Beltratti, together with Moz Afzal and Ioanna Archimandriti.

For those who would like to attend the event, the live straeming will be broadcast here at 5:30 p.m. CEST.